The Influential Capital of Traditional Middle Class during the Formation of the Islamic Revolution of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student of political science, College of law, theology and political science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, College of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University


Examine the role of social forces in the political developments of the major issues in society, political sociology is. Including the distinct social classes is that the analysis L function group for their social and political role. Among the social divisions, the role of the traditional middle class has always been taken into account in the political and social developments of Iran. Theoretical framework for analyzing the traditional middle class, capital of Pierre Bourdieu's theory is to try to have relationships with social class considered capital and suggests that the traditional middle class during the formation of the Islamic Revolution through the Proper operation of the enterprise in various economic, social, political, and cultural and symbolic able to win another competitor and hegemonic role in the political power structure. In this study, for collecting information, library and field and questionnaires were used .The population consisted of professional managers and experts in the field of political developments in Iran are. For paired comparison and ranking of criteria and sub -criteria, techniques (ANP) On the Software Applications Super Decisions Has been used. The results showed that the four main criteria identified capital of the traditional middle class during the formation of the Islamic Revolution, a measure of capital of cultural and symbolic capital has the greatest weight was found after the political of social capital and economic rank next in this investigation are.
