Women and World Peace with emphasis on UN women peacekeepers and Iranian women's Society

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor and member of the faculty Low group, Payamenoor University, Tehran .Iran

2 Member of the faculty Low and Jurisprudence group, Payamenoor University, Tehran .Iran


Although peace is one of the oldest human ideals, human history is full of conflicts. Studies have shown that rape, military conflict, colonial politics, and all forms of foreign and terrorist interference, as well as violent behavior, have further affected women. Violations of the human rights of women and children during wars and military conflicts have clearly threatened the foundations of human health and security in human society. Meanwhile, the responsibility to maintain and promote peace is one of the greatest responsibilities of women peacekeepers at the United Nations, and this global Institution is committed to increasing women's participation in peacekeeping, peacemaking and peacebuilding, especially since the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 in 2000. Women have emphasized that women's peace and security have been important goals for UN peace.  This study focuses on South Sudan, Libya and Ivory Coast, the key question is what role have UN peacekeepers played in peacekeeping operations? With a feminist approach based on the theory of peaceful feminism and through library resources and descriptive-analytical methods, this paper hypothesizes that the presence of female peacekeepers will contribute to a more effective peacekeeping operation due to their talents, characteristics, and practical benefits. That is why we are witnessing the expansion of female peacekeepers in peacekeeping operations.


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