Life experience of pilgrims on the walk of Arbaeen in 1398 (Case study of Allameh Tabatabai academics)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Islamic Studies, Allameh Tabatabai University


Pilgrimage is a concept for the movement of human beings by determining a sacred destination, and the Arbaeen pilgrimage is one of the emerging forms of pilgrimage in Iran that has been considered in recent years. The Arbaeen Walk emphasizes the cultural-doctrinal issues more than any other element, because the Arbaeen and the Ashura epic have great potential for re-reading and interpretation, and the different spectrums of society each somehow relate to this category. The Arbaeen Walk is a multidimensional phenomenon involving the experience of pilgrimage, economics, politics, identity, the environment, and social issues, and is a religious community to achieve a sacred movement in which there is no innovation. Relying on the qualitative approach and analyzing the interviews with students, professors and staff of Allameh Tabatabai University, the present article seeks to analyze the perception and interpretation of these pilgrims from their lived experience of this trip. After analyzing the qualitative data, three main themes were identified. These pilgrims consider "unity-building and solidarity and empathy" as the most important opportunities for the Arbaeen walk, and also consider "lack of health" and "lack of travel facilities" as the most important characteristics of the weakness of this pilgrimage. From the perspective of this group of academics, "culture building" and "providing health services" can help to better hold the Arbaeen Walk.


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