The idea of government in the policy of Khajeh Nizam-ol-Molk based on the analysis of a systemic approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Law & Political Science Ferdowsi University Mashhad hran




The political system designed in the "policy letter" of Khajeh Nizam-ol-Molk has structures, functions and principles such as;Sitting in the oppression of the king, the condition of the servants and ministers, the judges and the orators and the accountant, Researching and achieving the work of religion and sharia, sending the spy system and plotting for the good of the country and the subjects,To consult kings in affairs with wise men and elders is to have an army, meritocracy, and to give authority to pure and noble men, and to have a treasury.Which can be traced in the form of a system analysis approach.This analytical model consists of several important variables:Input (support and demand), output, implementation include (decision-making, political action and system, structures and executive actors) and feedback of this process in the social environment.

Despite the high adaptation of the idea of Khajeh's government to this approach, in the system designed by her;Both the designer and the executor, and even the evaluation of the feedback of the decisions taken by the regime, go back to one position and person, namely the powerful king.And in some way, structural and functional separation has not been done by Khajeh.However, Khajeh tried to distinguish between implementation and design by embedding the institution of the ministry in such a system. ButFor a variety of reasons, such as strong monarchical-customary-religious traditions, elite rivalries, historical backwardness in the political, cultural and security spheres, etc., this work remained fruitless.


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