Examining the nature and content of the right to the environment

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in International Law, Department of Law, Qeshm International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, Qeshm International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran


Review :
The right to a healthy environment has found its place in the human rights set as a fundamental right. Special attention to this right has led to the recognition of the capacities of civil, political, economic, cultural and social rights. The right to the environment Life as a part of life, the right to live by the standard, the right to health, the right to a healthy air, the right to interests and cultural characteristics are considered.
Many international instruments, both binding and non-binding, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, explicitly and implicitly examine the right to the environment. In this article, we try to examine and recognize this right, which is also in line with the third generation of human beings.In this article, we try to examine and recognize this right, which is also in line with the third generation of human beings.
