Analysis of the causes and grounds of Imam Khomeini's opposition to Reza Shah's reforms

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of History, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in History of Iran after Islam Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of History of Iran after Islam Kharazmi University,Tehran,Iran


The Pahlavi government of Rareza Khan launched a coup d'etat and by implementing the modernization policies of the army was able to achieve the relative unity of the Qajar elites who were suffering from the unstable situation after the constitution. Thus, the Pahlavi government was initially a purely military government Bringing his social status required him to show himself a religious person so that he could not face opposition from scholars in the evolution of his power from prime minister to monarchy. But after he came to power and during his reign he applied several reforms, some of which were culture. It had targeted the traditional and religious society of Iran. This was criticized by many religious scholars of the society. Since Imam Khomeini is the greatest indicator of Islamic thought in the contemporary era. This article has tried to examine Reza Shah's reforms according to Imam Khomeini's views through descriptive research and analysis and to determine to what extent Reza Khan's reforms were contrary to Imam Khomeini's principles of Islam. Despite these objections, Imam Khomeini Reza Shah To what extent did it lose its social base among the religious strata of society?
