Challenges of the Ministry of Industry in responding to the needs of war

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Sociology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 - Associate Professor of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Communication, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


This study was designed to investigate the role of the Ministry of Industry and affiliated organizations in responding to the needs of the imposed war and to address the challenges in managing the war economy. The research is a descriptive-analytical study that uses the conceptual framework of the sociology of war and the relationship between industry and war to the historical period of the Iraq-Iran war (1980-1988). The statistical population was industry managers and high-ranking officials involved in the war who were selected by purposive sampling method and interviewed with a narrative approach to theoretical saturation. The data obtained from sixteen interviews were coded and analyzed by thematic analysis method. As a result, the government plays a significant role in the economy by quotas and government management in reconstruction, mobilizing financial and human resources to meet the needs of the fronts, changing the use of existing industries, self-sufficiency in producing some war supplies, rebuilding war-damaged industries and jihadi management Were identified as part of the sub-themes. The extent of government tenure and the problems of public administration on the one hand and the dispute over the allocation of resources to the war and the expectation of the continuation of the war on the other hand were identified as the main challenges of industrial management during the war.
