Study of Zoroastrian women in Iran and its impact on ethnic and national identity in contemporary times

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in the field of comparative and analytical history of Islamic art, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

2 Professor and faculty member and director of the PhD Department of Art, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch Community Verified icon

3 Professor and faculty member of the Faculty of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Yazd Branch

4 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Art Philosophy, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan Branch


To distinguish and recognize various ethnicities and nations, their values including religion, believes, traditions, history, geography, education, business, and customs are studied. Dressing is the most salient manifestation for distinguishing ethnicities and studying nations. Many elements, including culture, believes, religious faith, traditions, customs, climate, public strategies and policies etc., affect dressing and development and evolution of its structures. Addressing dressing issues, this research investigates various dimensions including dressing and development of national and ethnic identities using dressing and the main contributor factor. Here, visual elements of female people from religious minorities were focused on. Also in relation to national and ethnic identity, we investigated that to what extent religious minorities consider dressing important. The research sample is consisted of Zoroastrian women .Results showed that Zoroastrians, as one of the Iranian religious minorities, with united dressing not only insist on conserving the ethnic identity, but also they have a robust national identity and pay more attention to their dressing
