Reflection of contemporary social developments in the Islamic world in the interpretation of Al-Mizan

Document Type : Original Article


1 quran university of qom

2 Visiting Associate Professor, Qom University of Holy Quran Sciences and Education, and a member of the faculty of the Mustafa International Society

3 Faculty member of Qom University of Quranic Sciences and Education


"Al-Mizan Fi Tafsir Al-Quran" is one of the interpretive works of the contemporary period, which is on a higher level than its counterparts both in terms of method and approach. One of the characteristics of this interpretation is the social dimension of Al-Mizan. The rethinking and searching for the intellectual and spiritual needs of the people of the community in the light of the Qur'an is one of the prominent and clear lines of Al-Mizan's interpretation. The political and social changes that took place in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and the questions that were expected from religion in this regard and the culture that resulted from the influence of Western civilization on Muslim society are among the most important social developments in the Islamic world. This is an attempt to examine the social and political issues that Allameh Tabatabai raises in the interpretation of Al-Mizan following the political and social developments of the society. Allameh Tabatabai in Al-Mizan is an approach based on the two parts of denying and proving the presentation. have given. In the stage of negation, it puts different ideas and schools on the scales of criticism, and in the stage of proving Islamic ideas, it sets out the principles of Islam in laying the foundations of the Muslim community from the perspective of the Qur'an.
