Investigating the relationship between political systems and capital market development

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Public Policy, Central Tehran Branch

2 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Central Tehran Branch

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Insurance, Allameh Tabatabai University,


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between government species and capital market development. In this study, with the hypothesis that "political systems due to the nature, ideology and level of capitalism can be an obstacle or factor in the development of capital markets" answers the question that what is the relationship between the types of political system and capital markets? In order to achieve this goal, in the following text, using historical and interpretive methods, the historical approach and using documentary studies and typological libraries of political systems and their relationship with the capital market were examined. Based on the data of this study, it can be said that there is a significant relationship in terms of political and democratic ideology and the undemocratic nature of the political system with the development of the capital market. The results show that by analyzing the government and the market, including the capital market as political institutions and using the Weber model, it can be inferred that the government is the minimum factor in the development of the capital market. The next model is for left-wing democracies, but undemocratic right-wing and undemocratic left-wing political systems, by their very nature, hinder the development of capital market-oriented development goals.
