Explaining the moral consequences of the jurisprudential and legal ruling of human simulation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Islamic Azad university

2 Faculty member and assistant professor of law, Payame Noor University

3 Faculty member and assistant professor of law, Gorgan branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran


Human simulation is one of the new categories and one of the challenging topics that is still at the beginning of its wonderful and unique path. After examining the hypotheses in this research, as a result, it can be said that it seems that the real corruptor for the simulation phenomenon is not conceivable. This study explains the ethical challenges of the jurisprudential and legal ruling of human simulation. The main question is, with the advancement of the biological sciences, if a human being is simulated, what are the moral consequences for the simulated human identity, rights, and duties? It is also necessary to carefully explain the moral do's and don'ts in this regard, based on the norms of custom and sharia. The method of research in this article is descriptive-analytical. It does not prove its inherent inaccuracy. Therefore, considering the many benefits of this technology, if it succeeds and eliminates its shortcomings, conducting scientific research in this field is permissible and ethically, there is no problem. The necessity and reason for addressing this issue can be that in today's world, human simulation is progressing willingly or unwillingly, and religious and legal systems must prepare themselves to accept the simulated children, so it requires an explanation. The subject is simulated from different moral and legal perspectives of human dimensions and its effects are analyzed.
