Dispute resolution authorities in cooperatives in Iranian law

Document Type : Original Article


1 techerPhD Student in Private Law

2 Full professor and head of the Faculty of Law of Mazandaran University


Review: Arbitration has become more common today than ever before to achieve more favorable results by relying on such factors as speed in proceedings, maintaining a good relationship, keeping secrets and expertise. In the cooperative sector, this institution can also be attributed to the time of the law on the cooperative sector and in the definition of the duties of the unions and the cooperative chamber, but it has received less attention. The question that arises is what is the place of arbitration in resolving disputes related to cooperatives? Today, dispute resolution in cooperatives can be done through three sources; Inspector of the company, the Ministry of Cooperatives and Arbitration in the arbitration authorities, which is the same as the Chamber of Cooperatives and the unions of the cooperative sector.After a dispute arises in companies and cooperative unions, according to the law of the cooperative sector, the elimination of profits must first begin within the company. Accordingly, according to paragraph 3 of Article 40 of the Law on the Cooperative Sector, the complaint of the members of the cooperative companies is first processed through the inspector or inspectors in order to obtain their legal opinion on the disputed issue. Also, the Ministry of Labor Cooperation and Social Welfare is considered as a reference in resolving disputes according to Article 66 of the Law on Cooperative Sector. Another authority that is competent to handle members' complaints is the unions of cooperatives and the cooperative chamber,
