An Analysis of Ulrich Beck's Sociological Approach in Beirut 75 Ghada Al-Saman

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student, Department of Lyrical Literature, Varamin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Literature, Varamin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Iran.


Ulrich Beck is a social theorist of modernity and one of Germany's leading contemporary sociologists.
Thinkers and sociologists have expressed various views in defining social class from different perspectives.
The novel Beirut 75 by Ghada Al-Saman is one of the most prominent Arab women writers, published in 1975. The theoretical framework of the study of the novel Beirut 75 Ghada Al-Saman is based on the sociological approach of Ulrich Beck. As one of the social theorists of modernity, Ulrich Beck declares the death of class, collective identity, and traditional structures, and emphasizes the element of individualism. The main finding of the research is that the symbolic characters of the novel, based on Ulrich's sociological theories, have forgotten their social and historical identity and class base and are influenced by the principle of individualism in search of their title in Beirut, their city of aspirations and aspirations.
Beirut 75, Ghada Al-Saman, Ulrich Beck, Class, Individualism
