Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Public Law, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Public Law, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Virtue-oriented ethics as one of the three main hypotheses in the philosophy of ethics, while entering into political philosophy, gives ideas about society, government and its function in accordance with ethics. This interpretation of ethics is a kind of normative theory that in the era of decline of modernity and the rise of postmodernism, along with the failure of other moral theories to try to achieve a new plan to save humanity by using the need to revive virtue in society. Congregationalism, as a tape-oriented and contemporary school, seeks to correct some of the shortcomings and anomalies of Western liberal societies by criticizing liberalism and its teachings in the fields of ethics, politics, and law. Emphasis on the social nature of human identity, the lack of separation of reality from value, the inability of human beings to discern individual and independent good and the need to revive virtuous ethics are among the leading ideas of collectivists. Following in the footsteps of Plato and Aristotle on the moral and educational mission of government, collectivists defend the value of government or at least collective institutions in the way of life and behavior of citizens. The present article examines and analyzes virtuosity in the light of the views of contemporary collectivists, including McIntyre, Sandel, and Taylor. The results indicate that virtuosity based on the idea of ​​collectivism is based on fulfilling obligations and focusing on social responsibility, cohesion and revival of traditions of religious and local customs under the attention of the government
