Investigating the psychological factors affecting instant buying behavior

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Research Institute for Humanities Research and Development (Samat), Tehran, Iran.


Background and Aim: Consumer behavior and instant buying behavior has been one of the topics of interest for marketing researchers in recent decades. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the psychological factors affecting instant purchase behavior.
Methods: This qualitative study was conducted using a phenomenological approach with the aim of understanding the experiences of people with sudden buying behavior and its consequences. Purposeful sampling method was used and 10 people were selected as the sample according to the rule of saturation and repetition of content. In order to encode the concept information, the sub-main and main structures were determined separately according to Strauss and Corbin theory. In the interviews, the concepts were extracted and after summarizing the duplicate concepts, then the sub-main and main structures were extracted based on them.
Findings: According to the findings, causal conditions included two categories of stimuli and cultural factor, stimulus category included internal and external stimuli that caused immediate buying behavior, and culture category included beliefs, attitudes and thought patterns proposed by It was a research sample. Also, the presence of others, price and attractiveness were the determining factors as predictors of purchasing behavior. Another important category in the emergence of purchasing behavior was the beliefs and thought patterns of the participants, which was coded as a category of culture and causal factor due to the roots of these thoughts in cultural norms and values. The consequences of the instant purchase experience in pleasant and unpleasant sub-structures were named.
