New hints in Biddle Dehlavi's lyric poems

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Persian Language and Literature, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Each of the literary arts and crafts, if it lacks the element of creative art, shows itself only on the level of a work and remains as an imitation of the works before them! The industry of allusion, which is one of the most widely used literary techniques, is no exception, and the more artistic innovations in it, the greater its impact on the audience. Due to the fact that the industry of allusion reached a certain development and expansion in the Indian style, the poets of this period, including Biddle Dehlavi, also used this industry in their lyric poems. But at the same time, Biddle's view of allusion is not like that of his predecessors and contemporaries! Although Biddle is less Carterian in his use of the industry than his contemporaries, he has tried to innovate as much as he has. In this article, we have examined examples of Biddle's novel themes in Persian poetic allusions, which in many of the repetitive allusions used in Persian poetry, have added components to these allusions that before him, other poets from These angles did not look at the allusion.
