Third party objection to international commercial arbitration award

Document Type : Original Article


1 Islamic Azad Univercity Lecturer

2 profesor oh international law facolity oh tehran university

3 Associate Professor of International Relations, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Department of International Relations, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Arbitration in international trade has gained a special place in recent decades, and traders and those involved in international trade have found it a good and reliable way to resolve their trade disputes, so today the condition for resolving disputes in general contracts. Commercial is a relatively basic and fixed condition. Third-party objection is one of the most extraordinary ways to file a complaint against adultery in cases where a ruling is issued in a lawsuit that violates the rights of a third party. The third party has the right to object. Inevitably, in order for a third party to object to the arbitral award, a series of necessary conditions are necessary.Although the new UNCITRAL rules are based on the privacy and confidentiality of the arbitration proceedings, there is only one exception to the agreement of all parties to the arbitration to allow a third party to attend the arbitration proceedings or to issue an arbitral award.
