Challenges and obstacles to the realization of cultural citizenship in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Political Sociology, Department of Political Science, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Iran

2 assistant professor of political sciences, university of tabriz,, tabriz,, iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Payame Noor University, Tabriz, Iran


Cultural citizenship is the acceptance of the presence of citizens with cultural differences. The importance of cultural citizenship has become much greater in today's world under the critique of the common meaning of citizenship, which defines general rules for the subjects of a country and a political unit, given the diversity of population. In Iran, in terms of having diversity of people in terms of ethnicity, language, religion, gender, etc., the need to pay attention to cultural citizenship, the scope of which goes beyond mere political citizenship, is inevitable. It is argued that at the hardware level, in addition to foreign influence and intervention, authoritarian modernization and definition by defining a specific pattern of nationalism and at the software level intellectual, cultural and traditional barriers are the most important challenges and Obstacles to the realization of the cultural citizenship approach in Iran have been found. Go beyond and recognize the fundamentals of cultural citizenship.
