Modern Rationalism; Destiny, and Superstition in Iranian Contemporary Poetry

Document Type : Original Article


1 Islamic Azad University of Bonab

2 Islamicazaduniversity


One of the remarkable properties of modernism is rationalism and intellectualism. In modern era, intellect is a reliable and credible tool to recognize existence; hence, it is known to be the most predominant tool of cognitionIranian society was influenced in terms of modernity and rationalism as the foundation of culture of modernity.Influenced by modern rationalism, the contemporary poets have doubted a number of popular beliefs, destiny and fatalism. Manifestations of modern rationalism can be observed in the poetry of some poets like Nima, Shamlou, Akhavan, Shafiei-e-Kadkani, and the like. The present study employs descriptive-analytic method to analyze the manifestations of rationalism in poetry of the mentioned poets. It has been discovered that under the influence of modern rationalism, the contemporary poetry has rejected interference of supernatural powers in the destiny of human being, fate, superstition, and popular beliefs and instead has taken intellect to be the source and pivotal point.
