Sociology of Language and Political Function of the States: A Case Study of Collaborative Learning and Language Development in Iranshahr

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English Language, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of English Language, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran


Oral communication has been one of the most fundamental types of human communication and the urgent need throughout history and around the world. Human beings are naturally social beings, hence, the necessity of using cooperative patterns and developing oral communication rather than individual is felt more than before. In this regard, the present study was conducted to examine cooperative learning and language development in individuals from the perspective of language sociology. The data were collected using a mixed method of research with test, questionnaire and interview tools. 52 learners in two 26-person control and experimental groups, one instructor as a psychological counselor along with two English teachers participated in the study. The control group was taught on the basis of traditional model while the experimental group was group teaching. Statistically, there was a significant difference between two groups after the implementation of the research process. There was strong evidence for a relationship between the teamwork pattern, learners’ participation, and intrinsic motivation.
