Investigation of dowry in the Iranian legal system with regard to economic, political and social interventions of the government

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of public Law, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran

2 Department of Public Law, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran


A woman's dowry is part of a woman's property. The Qur'an and the view of Islam, as well as hadiths, emphasize women's rights, which we have mentioned in this article. In this article, we have referred to the historical trend of women's rights to date, and all the various factors that have an impact on it have been examined from a social and economic point of view, before Islam, and also in the choice of a husband. It was not and the girl had to surrender without any reason. The chains on a woman's arm and wing were broken by Islam in the previous 14 centuries. In the last three centuries, however, the West has gradually come to realize the most basic rights of women. From the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries onwards, in the field of social issues, attention to human rights in the West took shape. One of its basic principles was that human beings, by nature and by the command of creation and nature, have a series of rights and freedoms that cannot be taken away from an individual or an ethnic group. A woman's dowry is considered a woman's property. In the holy book of Quran and seeing Islam, as well as hadiths, special emphasis is placed on women's rights, which is one of the reasons for the importance of this issue in our society, because the do's and don'ts of civil and legislative Our country is based on the principles of the Quran.
