Interaction of tradition and political legitimacy with the institution of government in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Political Science (Political Thought), Faculty of Law and Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Takestan Branch, Qazvin, Iran

2 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Political Science Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Takestan Branch, Qazvin, Iran

3 Assistant Professor and Political Science Law Faculty Member, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Takestan Branch, Qazvin, Iran



One of the central issues in any country is the legitimacy of political systems. Especially in countries with a strong historical and cultural history, there are numerous sources of legitimacy.
Given that Iran has a very long history and has a strong cultural system, multiple sources of legitimacy have continued until now. In fact, the institution of government in Iran has always been interpreted with religious authority, traditional in the new legal age.
The central question and purpose of this study is the reasons for the continuity of multiple sources in Iran and especially the power of religious legitimacy in Iran.
In analyzing this question and using analytical-explanatory method to various issues such as the role of religion in the ancient history of Iran, reproduction and increase of religion in politics with the arrival of Islam in Iran and also creating religious support for modern governments in Iran and implementation Religion is dealt with democratically.
In fact, the sources of legitimacy of the government in Iran are past and in the third millennium is the reproduction of religion and tradition such as Iranshahri and Farah Izadi, individualism, divine approval and extraterrestrial as well as adapting traditional elements to the epistemological system of modern legitimacy such as law and people's rule.
