Comparative analysis of the concept of freedom in Attar's thought and the school of humanism

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Persian language and literature, Shiraz branch, Islamic Azad University of Shiraz, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University of Shiraz, Iran.



Freedom is the result of human wisdom and thought. The concept of freedom has been expressed in various interpretations in schools and teachings and has a prominent role in the mystical vision of freedom. According to Attar, man is inherently bound by worldly and carnal belongings, and to be free from them is to attain freedom. Attar considers freedom in the worship and servitude of God. The school of humanism respects the dignity and freedom of man and believes that man's freedom in nature is achieved by himself and does not require any transcendental power. According to the thinkers of the school of humanism, it is the basis of the growth and excellence of human society in the freedom and free thought of man. Comparative analysis of freedom in Attar's attitude and the school of humanism is the main subject of this research. An attempt is made to express the commonalities and differences between Attar's view and humanism's views on freedom. Both currents of thought have common aspects in the field of human freedom and it can be said that both currents of thought believe in religious freedom and consider freedom in submission and submission to God. Also in their view, freedom is conditional on the realization of freedom and respect for others. And freedom is a necessity and need for the excellence and growth of the individual and society.
