The effect of money laundering on corruption (Case study: West Azerbaijan Governor's Office)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Criminal Law and Criminology, Farabi University of Qom, Iran.

2 PhD Student, Criminal and Criminology, University of Tehran, Kish Campus, Iran



The statistics provided on the phenomenon of money laundering and corruption and corruption as an important threat to societies, show that the situation in Iran in terms of money laundering control and prevention of corruption is unfavorable. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of money laundering on corruption in the governorate of West Azerbaijan. This research is a descriptive and survey research in terms of applied purpose and nature and method. The statistical population in this study is: the staff of the West Azerbaijan province and 148 people as a statistical sample, through Morgan table and by simple random sampling method was selected. In this study, standard questionnaires related to variables were used to collect data and measure research variables. In order to analyze the data, in the context of inferential statistics using SPSS software, and to test the hypotheses, Kolmogorf-Smirnov, Pearson r and regression tests were used. The results of the test showed research hypotheses; Money laundering has a positive and significant effect on corruption. also; Money laundering has a significant and positive effect on bribery, embezzlement, partisanship and nepotism as one of the dimensions of corruption. Finally, proposals were made to combat money laundering and corruption
