The Role of Memorial Architecture Design Patterns with Emphasis on Identity and Archetypes (with Contemporary Transcendentalism)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Islamic Architecture, Isfahan University of Arts, Isfahan, Iran (Corresponding author).

2 Associate professor of Architecture, School of Architecture and Environmental Design (IUST)

3 Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran



Every monument in the current context and historical conditions and the cultural, social, religious, economic and political requirements of the period in which it emerged for the social groups and people who created it in its time as a living reality and Active has been present on the stage of history, culture and life of the people of that society, has played and played his role on his shoulders. The effect of these monuments on the psyche, behavior, thought, wisdom, imagination, taste and taste of social groups and people of the society who were contemporary with such works has been direct. Memorial architecture is a powerful form of presentation that has always been one of the best options for the cultural expression of societies, using its symbolic language and its semantic and physical capabilities as an influential artistic medium. The present article is an introduction to this relationship and a brief look at its semantic framework. Due to the historical nature of the present subject, the method of historical research and historical-descriptive analysis has been used. After reviewing the data and analyzing them, the nature and why of the relationship between monumental architecture and culture, the background and the initial classification of this type of architecture were examined. Finally, the interaction between memorial architecture and its important place in the cultural and biological spheres of societies was pointed out.
