BRICS, the ability to change or modify the system of international relations

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Political Science, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran



In the era of globalization and the integration of countries in economic issues, the implementation of organizational arrangements to facilitate the free flow of goods and services designed and the introduction of foreign economic policies. The leaders of the BRICS countries meet annually on common financial, economic and political issues. BRICS is a platform that aims for both political (short-term) and economic (long-term) alliances in a multilateral system that aspires to greater authority in the international system. Since its inception, the BRICS has sought to contribute to the international system in economic and sometimes political management, and in a way has been critical of the overall management of its international structure, which is managed by the American-West. Meanwhile, countries such as China and Russia, which have been criticizing US policies for years and have sought to increase their international power in the international economy and bargaining since the Cold War, are members of the BRICS. And they are trying to convince this newly formed group to the international system, to what extent they can or have so far been able to make a change or reform in the structure of international relations is the subject of this article.
