Examining the patterns of resistance by focusing on the Meccan verses and applying it to the life of the Prophet

Document Type : Original Article


1 phd student of Quran and Islamic texts, University of Quran and Hadith, Tehran, Iran.

2 Member of the Faculty of Quran and Hadith University, Tehran University of Quran and Hadith, Tehran, Iran.



The Holy Qur'an has presented a comprehensive plan in the affairs of life for the advancement of man and has drawn the spirit of resistance in the implementation and explanation of its commands in different ways so that man knows the straight path. Among these methods, he pointed out the introduction and familiarization of the forms of resistance and stability in the Qur'an. , in the introduction of the patterns, and the characteristics of The Qur'an should be clarified in modeling; So that by following these examples, one can follow the path of happiness. The results indicate: looking at the noble verses of the Qur'an, the goal of religion is to establish justice in the shadow of monotheism, and justice is established when one obeys the commands of monotheism and the messengers and messengers of monotheism, and refuses to obey tawagith and that which is against monotheism. The reason for the existence of the enmity of the infidels and oppression is that the path of truth has always been accompanied by the creation of obstacles by the enemies, and confronting these obstacles is the most important reason for resisting the existing dangers. Their whole life and behavior are patterns of resistance, which can be used in all fields to get rid of these patterns and gain happiness in this world and the hereafter.
