Disturbance in the distribution of public necessities as one of the economic crimes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Imam Khomeini's Laws and Thoughts, Khomein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomein, Iran.

2 Department of Theology and Islamic Studies, Khomein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomein, Iran.



Today, one of the most important concerns of governments is the provision and supply of people's public needs, because failure to provide these needs can cause irreparable damage to the safety of society and people's trust. On the other hand, although this sector of the economy is mainly monitored strictly by governments, due to the high financial turnover in these economic sectors, traders have been very greedy for this sector. This has led some to disrupt the distribution of public necessities by abusing legal loopholes. But the main question that the current research seeks to answer with the analytical-descriptive method and using library sources is whether it is possible to consider the crimes of disruption in distribution as a type of crime of disruption in the economic system? The findings of the present study indicate that the main examples of disruption in the distribution system, which include the crimes of overselling, monopoly and unauthorized sale of technical equipment and raw materials, since they target the economic system of the country, if they are widely If they happen, they will definitely be among the examples of disruption in the economic system. Because these crimes in their broad form can be done mainly in an organized way, and due to the fact that complex methods are used in these crimes, they are rarely discovered, and the ultimate motivation of all these crimes is economic and wealth accumulation.
