The New Left, Theater of Encounter and the Possibility of the Rise of Political Subject

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate. department of Political Science. Faculty of Politics and Economics. University of Shahid Beheshti. Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor. Department of Political Science. Faculty of Politics and Economics. University of Shahid Beheshti. Tehran.Iran



The New Left though emerged as an alternative to Orthodox Marxism in response to previous crises in the realm of Marxist thought and its various failures with regard to the evolutions in the political realm and the political. The main issue of this article is to bring a new pathology of the current situation by focusing on the dialectics between the New Left vs. the Political. In the other words the present paper examines the situation which the New Left has found itself in it dialectically. So it would shed light on the evolutions taking place in the New Left and the consequence of this evolution on the emergence of the political subject as the agent of change in the Marxist thought. In conclusion, it seems that the crisis of the subject of liberation and the priority of alienation in the New Left has become the fundamental problem of leftist thought that continues to this day.
