A study of urbanization and situational anxiety in post-revolutionary fiction with emphasis on the works of Zoya Pirzad

Document Type : Original Article


Persian language and literature. Foreign literature and languages. Payame Noor University



With the emergence of the city and urbanization, which are manifestations of modernity and the development of human societies ,the components of urban life appeared in various forms of art ,including literature ,and opened the way to stories to the extent that events and The events as well as the urban spaces were depicted in the stories. Although urbanization in Persian novels and fiction alone does not have an independent identity and has often occurred in the background of the works of various authors, studies in the works of writers of recent decades show that this component is the main theme of many The novels are located. Zoya Pirzad is one of the writers who, along with various other genres, urbanism and its characteristics, has injected its consequences into her novels. In this descriptive-analytical study, two works by this author have been studied with a focus on urban identity and the concerns of modernity. The results of this paper indicate that the description of the metropolitan space, the economic and cultural situation of the people in urban communities, and the expression of social and psychological damage caused by urbanization can be seen in these two works.
