The Islamic Revolution and Social Forces: Relying on the study of the social base of the martyrs of the Islamic Revolution in Kermanshah

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of History , Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University.

2 Department of History , Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University



Review and recognizing the social status of the martyrs of the Islamic Revolution and those who have been martyred and killed along the way in order to achieve the goals of the Islamic Revolution is one of the basic components in understanding the status and nature of the social forces of the Islamic Revolution. The purpose of this article is to investigate the presence of social forces and to draw the formation and composition of the social base and the role of these forces in the formation of the Islamic Revolution in Kermanshah.The main question is what was the nature of the effective social forces in the formation of the Islamic Revolution in Kermanshah and what was its composition.Findings of research based on data and statistical population of the martyrs of the Revolution have shown that the Islamic Revolution in Kermanshah has been affected by the presence and participation of two spectrums of traditional and modern social forces.Among these forces, the clergy played a leading and motivating role, but the new social forces, especially the culturists and academics, were the most active group.The method of research in this article is historical and documentary, which by adopting a descriptive-analytical method and with a historical approach, sociology and using methods of explanation and qualitative and quantitative analysis based on statistical data of the martyrs of the revolution.
