Social challenges of plant life patients and criminal law solutions for it

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student, Department of Law, UAE Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dubai, UAE.

2 Associate Professor, Research Center of Forensic Medicine, Tehran, Iran.



All human rights are from life to death. Before advances in medical science, cardiac arrest and respiration indicated death; In analyzing the concept of two terms of brain death and plant life from the perspective of sociology and criminal law from a medical point of view, this issue is raised. In crimes against persons, when the victim is placed in a state of plant life as a result of an injury, in addition to the state of plant life, some other harms inflicted on the injured person from a social point of view, the legislator has determined only diyat as punishment. Therefore, it is only necessary to determine a ransom or ransom for the members and benefits that can be recorded and identified. In this case, injuries to the person can include several crimes. In jurisprudence such as jurisprudence (legal-jurisprudential) and forensic doctors has always been a point of contention, and this prolongs the judicial process. Proof of this is that these people have a life like a person and the compensation for all injuries is calculated according to the principle of non-interference of compensation, and in cases of conflict of compensation, in our law, it is sufficiently sufficient and the occurrence of any crime against these patients In the case of plant life, it is considered a crime and, consequently, the ransom is determined.
