The causes and motives of Voad in the era of ignorance

Document Type : Original Article


Department of History, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran.


The situation of women throughout history By reviewing the past history of human life and its evolution, the oppressed faces of women in all ages and eras of human civilization can be seen. Although woman was created as a human being and the noblest of God's creatures in the system of creation and as a complement to man, but because of her less physical strength, she has always been isolated and weakened from the position of social decision-makers, even theoretical management. Is. In any case, the history of human life has always witnessed the struggle of strong and powerful men against these weak. And this is an undeniable fact. Despite the intense inner love that a person has for his child, the phenomenon of killing female infants became common among some pre-Islamic Arab tribes. Which the Holy Qur'an has mentioned to Wad, and has strongly condemned this inhuman act! The present study has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner and seeks to answer the question, what social or economic factor compelled the ignorant Arab to do this? In this research, the author has tried to use historical sources and documents and verses of the Quran. Investigate this issue and its causes and factors.
