Examining and explaining and understanding the relationship between architectural spaces (patouq) and the discourse of Iranian intellectuals in the 1300s-1340s.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Art and Architecture/Kish International Campus/Tehran University/Tehran/Iran

2 Department of Architecture/Faculty of Architecture/Fine Arts Campus/Tehran University/Iran

3 Department of Sociology / Faculty of Social Sciences / University of Tehran / Iran



Based on this theory that the place and atmosphere of gathering of intellectuals had significant effects on the formation of the mental structure of the theory of processes, this article was conducted with the aim of investigating and explaining and understanding the relationship between architectural spaces (hangouts) and the discourse of Iranian intellectuals in the 1340s-1300s. The research is an interpretative and critical case study, and the research subject includes 20 Iranian intellectuals who were present in Iran between 1300 and 1340 and were featured in the discourses of intellectuals of this period. The data was collected through in-depth interviews with 20 sociologists from Tehran universities. The results showed that in Iran hangouts are popular in two forms: traditional coffee houses and modern cafes. Cafes were a product of the period between 1300 and 1320, which was considered a meeting place for spreading and promoting new ideas and theories of writers and intellectuals of the city. But after the coup, with the closure of the political space, visiting cafes was also limited to deal with the danger of intellectuals. Then, in the 30s and 40s, cafes flourished in a new way.
