The Obstacles to Democracy in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


The Faculty of Political Science, Allameh Tabatabau"i University, Tehran



One of the modern concepts introduced in the world of politics is the concept of “being developed” and “undevelopment”. Just as countries are economically divided into three categories: “developed countries”, “developing countries” and “underdeveloped countries”, from a political approach, this concept can be considered in three levels: politically developed countries, countries achieving political development and countries straggling behind. In fact, political development can be considered as a continuous process of transition from an authoritarian society to democratic society, during which all aspects of society are fundamentally changed and by existence of indicators such as elections, pluralism, civil liberties, political participation and political culture, people are allowed to participate and play an important political role in determining their own destiny. Accordingly, the role of “people” in the field of government and political power is the most important issue of the present article; so it must first explain the concept of democracy and What is the necessity of democracy? Then we pay to the most important obstacles to democracy in achieving an ideal form of government. For this purpose, the qualitative research method with a descriptive-analytical approach will be used in Current article.
