Factors of lack of political development after the imposed war in war-torn cities

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Member, Department of Sociology, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran

2 Department of Sociology, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran


Political development provides the basis for the institutionalization of political organizations and participation,.and the result is an increase in the ability of individuals, parties and groups to participate legally in the political space of society. Huntington equates political development with modernization, and believes that industrialization, social mobility, political participation, and economic growth are indicators of political development. He believes that as new demand emerges in the process of political modernization and development in the form of partnerships and newer roles;Therefore, the political system must have the necessary capacity and capabilities to change the situation. The present study was conducted with the aim of factors of lack of political development after the imposed war in war-torn cities. This research was conducted using a survey method and a questionnaire tool. To analyze the research data, correlation coefficient test with spss24 software and confirmatory factor analysis of the second stage with Amos25 software were used.The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated and evaluated using Cronbach's alpha method, based on which the coefficient of research variables and its dimensions was more than 0.7. The results showed that the constitution of the Islamic Republic states the objective requirements of political development, including fundamental freedoms, political and social rights, civil society organizations, parties, social groups and mass media, and political development must first be created in cultural beliefs and by means A culture such as mass media spreads at the community level only after its objective realization can be seen in the social and political structure
