The effect of the political tendencies of members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly on its performance in the political participation( Sixth and seventh periods)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Faculty of Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad university,Tehran,Iran.

2 Assistant Professor,political Science Department, Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences, Roodehen Branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran, Iran

3 Political Science Faculty ,Central Tehran Branch,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran.



the present study aims to comparative analysis for the orientation of the positions and institutional approach of representatives of the 6th and seventh session of the council of the islamic council to political development. in this regard, the main question is whether the political trends of MPs have an impact on their performance with the level of political participation? the results of this research, which are based on descriptive - analytical method and Huntington's approach to the relationship between political parties and political development is necessary to advance the present research, thus making the theoretical basis of the research necessary and makes it necessary to address the issue. because of its importance in islam, system leaders have a special importance. It showed that there are signs of cooperation between parliament and other political institutions whenever there is a field for political competition among parliamentarians. The situation in an analysis leads to an increase in political participation and an important step towards political development. The MPs considered it a crucial lever for political development and considers their failure to examine their failure in this regard to political sociology issues. In the event of discussion, there are many factors in the realization of political development: structural, legal.
