A Study of Refugee Rights in Iran A Look at International Documents

Document Type : Original Article


1 Iran Tehran University of Justice

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Department of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Tehran,



Asylum has gone through many ups and downs throughout history and today it has become one of the most important socio-political developments in the international arena and as one of the most controversial human rights issues. In this regard, we should mention the 1951 Geneva International Convention and its Additional Protocol (1968) as the most important international document on refugees and as the most important and valuable measurement criterion. This article examines international refugee rights through a documentary library and descriptive, analytical method, and the rights of refugees in Iran. The data indicate that Iran has complied with the standards of the 1951 Geneva Convention and its Additional Protocol. Therefore, Iran's domestic law seems to be fully in line with the standards of these international instruments. This is while it is not applicable in the laws of Iran towards immigrants. Also, a person who commits some kind of armed action against his country of origin in Iran, or who has committed a crime against peace or a war crime, is not considered a refugee.
