A Comparative Study of Foreign Financial Rights in Iranian Law and International Conventions.

Document Type : Original Article


Islamic Azad University



In the current era of the legislature of each country, in addition to establishing the rules governing the legal relations of the citizens of that country with each other or the government, the regulation of the rules governing relations with foreign nationals in its territory on the one hand right and on the other its duty Counts.
One example of jurisprudence is financial law, which includes the right to own immovable property, employment, and movable and immovable property transactions. People residing as foreign nationals in other countries are usually deprived of financial rights in some cases, or at least have restrictions. Among the rights that have restrictions and deprivation and do not have full rights are public, private and personal status issues that the host countries have provided special treatment for such foreign nationals. In domestic law of Iran, in accordance with international regulations in civil law, including Articles 961 and 962 of the Civil Code, the rights of foreign nationals are defined and described, and while repeating the rule of conflict, the rights of foreigners in certain areas are subject to certain conditions, including behavior. Reciprocity between government is known.
