Sociology of culture and societies of Bakhtiari people in Rahvard Vahid poem(constitutional period)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad branch, Isfahan, Iran

2 Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch, Isfahan, Iran



This research has analyzed the reflection of the cultural, social and political components of the Bakhtiaris in the poem of Rahavard Vahid, the poem of Hassan Vahid Dastgerdi, a journalist poet of the constitutional era, in a descriptive-analytical way. The results of the research showed that the poet reflected the aforementioned components in his poem at a considerable level, in this reflection; Themes of patriotism, love of the Shahnameh, hospitality, defense of the oppressed, anti-tyranny, courage, sacrifice and sacrifice for the cause of the motherland, emotionality, excitability, great capacity to organize an army, purity, professional dervish, religious faith and beliefs, cultural and political character of the Bakhtiaris, including political activism and The culture of Sardar Asad and the political and social approaches of Najafqoli Khan Samsam al-Saltaneh, Ibrahim Khan Zargham al-Saltaneh and his son Abul Qasim Khan (the commander of the field in Fatah Isfahan) and Bibi Maryam Beigum (known as Sardar Maryam Bakhtiari), Nasir Khan the warlord and the confrontation of the Bakhtiaris with the Russians and the British in relation to other cases and individuals of Bakhtiari and it is impressive and has a high frequency. This situation shows Hassan Vahid's dastgerdi use of poetry as a medium, a tool of awareness, information and an exciting element in the direction of fighting the oppression and domination of despotic rulers and foreigners, and explaining social realities in the libertarian goals and aligning the nomads, especially the Bakhtiari nomads, with national actions. And mission-oriented processing has benefited from the social history of his era
