Designing a model for measuring public political trust in the government

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Public Administration, Firoozkooh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Public Administration, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


The main purpose of this study is to design a model for measuring public political trust in government. In order to identify the indicators and components, Q technique has been used. For this reason, the forum was first compiled using the research literature. Then the representative of the forum was formed using the opinions of experts. A mix of MPs, organizational experts, university professors and ordinary people (30 people) were selected as participants in the Q technique. Finally, by collecting and analyzing the opinions of the participating group, a mental model (politicalism) was identified. According to the results, the general trend of political trust decreases with increasing level of education. Among the indicators of trust in political institutions, the least trust has been directed to the executive branch and the Guardian Council, respectively, which is probably part of this issue due to socio-political actions and events during the research period. This is while the level of trust in the official military and law enforcement forces of the country, such as the police, the army, etc., has the highest average. Also, the level of political trust will affect the level of public trust in government organizations in a society. The result is that the degree to which people gain the trust of bureaucracies can be a criterion for valuing and determining political trust. In this way, governments can use the tools to improve public trust in government organizations to promote political trust.
