An overview of the importance of the position of Helwan in the Islamic period based on religious works and differences

Document Type : Original Article


1 Student of Islamic History and Civilization, Faculty of Humanities, Qom Azad University, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Central Tehran Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of History،Faculty member of Al-Mustafa Society, Amin Complex, Qom, Iran.



Halvan was the old name of the present-day city of Sarpol-e Zahab in the west of the country. The purpose of this study is to investigate the cultural, religious and civilizational situation of Helwan to the antiquity and importance of this city and the reasons for the attention of rulers and kings to this region, despite the important Islamic cultural and civilizational works including Ahmad Ibn Ishaq and dozens of historical monuments. Many pilgrimages in the Islamic era and more attention of the rulers to this region and the ancient road and the Silk Road that passes through this city, has been the point of connection between Iran and Mesopotamia and the Western world. The present study seeks to answer the question Has it been in a different position? The research hypothesis is that Helwan, due to its strategic and border location, the land route of pilgrimage to Atbat and Hajj, has a special status and has attracted the attention of the rulers. The research method is descriptive and analytical. Findings show that the border and strategic location, the relationship with neighboring civilizations and favorable climatic conditions have led to the migration of tribes to the region. At the beginning of the heavenly invitation of Islam, the people of this region welcomed the Islamic invitation with open arms and it was of great ethnological importance and included various ethnic groups with different religions.
